Home Remedies for Breast Enlargement

There are many ways to increase your breast size – some may cost you a bomb while some may not cost as much. Why do some women want to increase their breast size? This is because some women feel self-conscious about their small breast size probably due to the people around them. As such, they look for ways to increase their breast size. One of the inexpensive way is home remedy. Home remedy includes things like diet as well as exercises or massages you can do.

Breast size can increase or decrease due to hormonal changes especially during menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause. Studies have shown that hormones like progesterone and estrogen play a part in developing breasts during puberty. Both genetics and nutrition are the main factors that determine the size of breasts. Thus, before and during puberty, you should provide enough essential nutrients and vitamins for your breast size.

Since not all girls are born with good genetics for breast size, breast enlargement options can be widely found. These options include pills, creams, hormonal injections and surgery. However, the effectiveness and safety of such options are questionable because pills may cause unwanted side effects without proper doctor consultation. Hormonal injections and surgery can be expensive and yet risky. Thus, one of the alternative methods are NATURAL REMEDIES.

It is important to note that patience is key when it comes to home remedy. Thus, you can repeat these treatments in at least one month in order to see satisfactory results. Here are some home remedies that you can do:


Massaging have been found to be one of the effective home remedy that increases breast size. This is due to the fact that massaging can improve blood circulation and stretching out the tissues. This would result in firmer and bigger breasts when done regularly. When massaging, you should use natural oils such as almond oil and olive oil.

The steps are:

  1. Put some olive oil or almond oil on your palm
  2. Rub your palms for about 3 minutes until the oil is heated
  3. Spread the oil around your breasts and then massage in a circular motion
  4. Do 100 to 300 circular rubs

Breast massage should ideally be done in the morning and before bedtime.

Diet for Estrogen Production

Since estrogen play an important role in breast development, it is good to stimulate the production of estrogen in your body. Some of these foods for estrogen production are pumpkin, soy, carrots, apples, cherries and papaya.

Dairy Products

Fat-rich dairy products such as cheese, milk, cottage cheese, butter and yoghurt can be added to increase your breast size. Why this is effective? This is because your breasts are made up of mainly fat tissues as such consuming fat-rich dairy products are one of the ways to increase breast size.

Lavender Oil and Tea Tree Oil

The combination of lavender oil and tea tree oil is one of the amazing home remedies for breast enlargement. Mix equal quantities of lavender oil and tea tree oil and apply to your breasts for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, rinse off with lukewarm water. This result can give a noticeable result if you repeat it daily for a month.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is one more the more easily obtainable oils as it can be found in the kitchen. It is considered as one of the most effective home remedies for breast enlargement. Regular massages with olive oil can make your breasts look soft and firm. In addition, topical application of olive oil can help reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Soya Bean

Soya bean is also one of the amazing home remedy for breast enlargement. Taking soya beans daily or drinking soya bean milk daily and you can see a noticeable improvement in your breast size after one or two months.

Most of the remedies discussed above are natural and safe. However, do not try to combine too many remedies at the same time as it may lead to unwanted side effects. You should choose one remedy to try for a few months to see the desired results. In addition, click on the link below to know more natural ways to breast enlargement. I have done it. Many have done it, and so can you!

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