Part 1 of my journey~

Hi everyone,

Let me share a short story about myself, about my transformation from a shy girl to the confident woman I am today!

Since young, I have never been well-endowed given that my mother was also not well-endowed. However, at that age, it never occurred to me that it would be important to me. In secondary school, girls would mock me behind my back saying that I was as flat as a runway despite me knowing that I was at least an A cup. I would laugh it off thinking that things would change as I grew older. How wrong I was. When I was 15, I had my first boyfriend. In the beginning, all was great. He was loving and caring towards me. However, things start to change after a year or so together.

He felt that it was time to introduce me to his close friends. A few days after meeting them, my boyfriend told me that his friends made fun of him for having a girlfriend who was as flat as a runway. Being my naïve self, I asked him if it was important what his friends said and that wouldn’t it be enough if we were happy. However, he disagreed and said that he didn’t want to be made a laughing stock by his close friends. As a result, we got into a huge fight. And boy it did not end well. After a few days of cold war between us, I decided that this was not wat I wanted in my relationship and he simply agreed. It crushed me but I was determined not to let this get me down.

Moving forward, I entered polytechnic. And there was where I met my next boyfriend. Things happened quickly and once again I let myself get caught up in the whirlwind of being in love. One thing led to another. One day, we were at my boyfriend’s place and while we were making out, he stopped and told me to just leave. Obviously bewildered, I asked him why and he said that my bust size was too small for his liking. Naturally, I got upset and asked him if bust size was so important to guys and he simply said yes without giving any further explanation. Thinking of my past relationship, it hurt me a lot and I wondered why I was not blessed with big busts like others, why my bust size remained so small and why was the size of breasts so important to guys. And once again, I ended a relationship that I thought would last.

Let me stop here for today! Stay tuned for the next part of my story (:

Till then, Click Here to get this eBook to boost your bust today!

With lots of Love,

Jessica Chai

Boost Your Bust, Regain Your Lost Confidence

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